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Deutsch - German

Joe: Entschuldigen Sie….
Frau: Ja?
Joe: Können Sie mir sagen, wo das Rathaus ist?
Frau: Äh, Sie stehen genau davor.
Joe: Wirklich?
Frau: Ja, das große Haus dort ist das Rathaus….
Joe: Ooooh….Das ist aber groß….
Frau: Ja, es hat 400 Zimmer und ist 85 Meter hoch und 100 Meter lang…
Joe: Wow….Durch den Turm sieht es sehr hoch aus!
Frau: Das stimmt. Ohne den Turm ist es auch nicht ganz so hoch… Oh, Sie müssen unbedingt auf das Glockenspiel im Turm warten! Es fängt in 10 Minuten an.
Joe: Welches Glockenspiel?
Frau: Das Rathaus ist berühmt für das Glockenspiel.
Joe: Ach ja, stimmt. Das gucke ich natürlich an! Sagen Sie, wieso wissen Sie so viel über das Rathaus?
Frau: Ich arbeite als Stadtführerin!
Joe: Haha, das ist ja toll. Ich gehe später in den Olympiapark. Können Sie mir sagen, was ich dort unbedingt sehen muss?
Frau: Sie müssen unbedingt auf den Olympiaturm gehen. Dort haben Sie eine tolle Aussicht auf München. Sie können dort viele Sehenswürdigkeiten sehen. Das ist wirklich toll.
Joe: Oh, gut. Dann mache ich das.
Frau: Ah, schauen Sie, das Glockenspiel fängt an!

Englisch - English

Joe: Excuse me...
Woman: Yes?
Joe: Could you tell me where the city hall is?
Woman: Oh, you're standing right in front of it.
Joe: Really?
Woman: Yes, that big building there is the city hall.
Joe:'s actually pretty big...
Woman: Yes, it has 400 rooms, is 85 meters high and 100 meters long.
Joe: Wow...the tower makes it look really tall!
Woman: That's right. Without the tower it's not so tall...Oh, you really have to wait for the tower bell to ring. It'll start in 10 minutes.
Joe: Which tower bell?
Woman: The city hall is famous for the tower bell.
Joe: Oh, that's right. Of course I'll take a look. So, why do you know so much about the city hall?
Woman: I work as a city tour guide!
Joe: Haha, that's great. I'm going to the Olympic Park later. Could you tell me what I really should see while I'm there?
Woman: You should definitely go to the Olympic Tower. There they have a great view of Munich. You can see lots of important sights from there. It's quite nice.
Joe: Oh, good. I'll do that.
Woman: Ah, take a look. The tower bell is starting!

Wortschatz- und Satzgebrauch - Vocabulary Phrase Usage

1. davor = in front of that. "vor" is "in front of" and "davor" works just like "dafür" or "davon" - the "da" means "that". Da-vor = in front of that.
2. Stadtführerin could be translated as "city leader" but you need the second meaning of "Führer" here - "city guide". Stadtführerin - city guide, and the -in ending tells us it's a woman. A lot of words for professions or nationalities can be made feminine by ending -in.

Grammatik - Grammar

The focus of this lesson is Accusative after preposition
Ohne den Turm ist es auch nicht ganz so hoch
"Without the tower, it's not really that tall."
Since we looked at Dative prepositions in the last lesson, let's have a look at some Accusative prepositions in this one.
First, you need to know the Accusative articles. This is easy, For feminine and neuter words, the article remains exactly the same! So the Accusative of „die Frau“ is still „die Frau“, and the Accusative of „das Kind“ is still „das Kind“. Same in plural – „die Frauen“ and „die Kinder“ don't change. So how do you know that something after a preposition is Accusative and not Nominative?
Well, it has to be, because there are no prepositions that take the Nominative, that is, the base form of a noun. If you see something after a preposition that looks like Nominative, it has to be Accusative.
Since feminine and neuter words don't change, this really simplifies things, because we only have to worry about masculine words. For masculine words, the Accusative article is „den“. „den“ has an N at the end, unlike the Dative „dem“, which has an M ending – actually people tend to slur these endings a lot, so if you confuse Dative and Accusative it may not even be noticed while speaking.
Some examples from this lesson's dialog below.
ohne den Turm = without the tower
über das Rathaus = about the city hall
durch den Turm = through the tower / because of the tower
auf den Olympiaturm = onto the Olympic tower
in den Olympiapark = into the Olympic park
Think about this last example some more. Here, we translated „in“ as „into“. This is because it's followed by the Accusative. Some prepositions can take either Dative or Accusative, and then they use Accusative when talking about a direction rather than a location.
„im Olympiapark“ (in the Olympic park) vs. „in den Olympiapark“ (into the Olympic park)
„auf dem Olympiaturm“ (on the Olympic tower) vs. „auf den Olympiaturm“ (onto the Olympic tower)

Kultureller Einblick - Cultural Insight

Munich sights
Munich is best known for... the Oktoberfest of course, but that's only part of the year (curiously starting in September). If you happen to be in Munich at a different time of the year, you probably still want to try some of their excellent beer. Visit a brewery, have them explain the process of making beer to you and then have some of their fresh beer – beer is best when it hasn't been transported much! This is why lots of German cities have their own breweries, and why most beer in pubs is local beer, rather than any big brands.
Apart from breweries and the city hall, which is also worth a visit, you might like to explore Munich's many museums. For example the Pinakotheken, three really impressive art museums. Or the National Bavarian Museum, which has a lot of historic artefacts. There are also a number of palaces in and around Munich.
Then, if you want to relax after sight-seeing, try the English Garden.


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