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Deutsch - German

Kellner: Sind Sie zufrieden?
Anke: Ja, danke. Alles in Ordnung.
Kellner: Bei Ihnen auch?
Joe: Ja, danke. Alles super.
Kellner: Wie sieht es bei Ihnen mit Nachtisch aus?
Anke: Hmm…Was meinst du, Joe? Wollen wir noch Nachtisch?
Joe: Ja, wenn du noch so viel Zeit hast, gerne…
Anke: Ja, natürlich!
Joe: Na dann! Hmm, wie heißt noch mal der bekannte italienische
Anke: Du meinst Tiramisu!
Joe: Ja genau! Den nehmen wir, oder nicht?
Anke: Ja, Tiramisu hört sich super an.
Kellner: Also zweimal Tiramisu. Kommt sofort.
Anke: Oh, ich freue mich schon auf den Nachtisch!
Joe: Ja, der ist bestimmt lecker!
Kellner: So, bitte sehr. Das Tiramisu.
AnkeOh, toll! Das sieht schon gut aus.
Joe: Ich finde ja, Nachtisch sieht immer gut aus! Haha….
Anke: Hmmm….und es schmeckt auch so lecker wie es aussieht!
Joe: Oh ja. Super! Das ist wirklich der perfekte Nachtisch.
Joe: Uff, jetzt bin ich aber satt!
Anke: Ja, ich auch….
Joe: Ein Spaziergang tut uns jetzt sicher gut. Lass uns zahlen und dann können wir ja noch zum Brandenburger Tor laufen.
Anke: Gute Idee. Frische Luft ist jetzt genau richtig!
Joe: Na dann los!

Englisch - English

Waiter: Are you satisfied?
Anke: Yes, thanks. Everything was fine.
Waiter: And you too, sir?
Joe: Yes, thanks. Everything was great.
Waiter: How's the outlook regarding dessert?
AnkeHmm, what do you think, Joe? Should we have dessert?
Joe: Yes, if you still have time, I'd like to...
Anke: Yes, of course!
Joe: Well then! Hmm, what's that famous Italian dessert called again?
Anke: You mean Tiramisu!
Joe: Yes, exactly! We'll take that, right?
Anke: Yeah, Tiramisu sounds great.
Waiter: Then two Tiramisus. Coming right up.
Anke: Oh, I'm looking forward to the dessert!
Joe: Yes, it'll certainly be delicious!
Waiter: So, here you are. The Tiramisu.
Anke: Oh, cool! That looks so good.
Joe: I certainly think so. Dessert always looks good! Haha...
Anke: Hmmm...and it also tastes as good as it looks!
Joe: Oh yeah. Great! That's really the perfect dessert.
Joe: Oof, now I'm really full!
Anke: Yes, me too...
Joe: A walk would certainly do us good. Let's pay and then we can walk to the Brandenburg Gate.
Anke: Good idea. Fresh air would be perfect right now!
Joe: Ok, let's go!

Wortschatz- und Satzgebrauch - Vocabulary Phrase Usage

1. Nachtisch (dessert) should not be confused with Nachttisch (nightstand)!
2. In the phrase "Den nehmen wir", the object has been moved to the beginning of the sentence. "wir" is the subject and "den" is the object, which you can recognize because it's Accusative. The object is at the beginning of the sentence for emphasis. It's not something you need to do yourself, but you should be aware that this possibility exists in German and that your German friends might use it.

Grammatik - Grammar

The focus of this lesson is making suggestions
Lass uns zahlen
"Let's pay"
There are several ways to make a suggestion in German. One way is by using the phrase „Lass uns...“.
This means „Let's“ and is followed by the rest of the sentence and finally the verb. For example:
„Lass uns morgen ins Kino gehen!“ (Let's go to the cinema tomorrow!)
Alternatively, and a little less politely, you can just use the imperative for the 1st person plural, the „we“ form. That one is formed just like the formal imperative - take an actual verb form, like „wir gehen“ and put the verb first, so „Gehen wir!“ (Let's go!). This would be appropriate to say if a group has already decided to go somewhere and they are just waiting for a signal to go. However, if you just want to make a suggestion, you may want to add a „doch“. German particles like „doch“ are hard to translate, but in this sentence the „doch“ has the same function as „how'bout...“. „Gehen wir doch ins Kino!“ (How'bout we go to the cinema!)
More politely, you could phrase your suggestion with „Ich finde wir sollten...“ (I find we should...) or „Ich denke wir sollten...“ (I think we should...). This phrase works just like in English, so just stick an infinitive after it and you're good. For example: „Ich finde wir sollten nicht mehr länger warten“ (I find we shouldn't wait any longer).

Kultureller Einblick - Cultural Insight

German Desserts:
Tiramisu is an Italian dessert, but we haven't talked about German desserts yet! Let's look at some dessert options that you might encounter at a German restaurant.
Eis – okay, ice-cream is not particularly German, but the flavors may be unusual, for example: Stracciatella ice-cream which is similar to vanilla ice-cream with pieces of chocolate throughout.
Heiße Liebe - „hot love“ means ice-cream served with hot raspberries or hot cherries in a fruity sauce.
Apfelstrudel – apple strudel is also typically served with ice-cream.
Palatschinken – Austrian pancakes, also often served with ice-cream in the center, and don't forget that you won't get syrup with pancakes in Europe.
You get the idea, ice-cream tends to play an important role, unless you're going for a fruit salad or a pudding. But have you heard of Spaghetti-Eis? No, that's not ice-cream with spaghetti flavor, it's ice-cream that has been pressed through a sieve-like thing, so that it's lots of long strings, like noodles.
To keep up the pretense, it is typically served with strawberry sauce that imitates tomato sauce, and grated white chocolate to imitate the parmesan cheese.


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