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German dative prepositions

German dative prepositions are prepositions that indicate the indirect object of a sentence. Here are the dative prepositions "aus," "bei," "mit," "nach," "seit," "von," and "zu," along with example sentences and their translations in English:

"aus" - out of, from

Example: Ich komme aus Deutschland. (I am from Germany.)

"bei" - at, near

Example: Ich bin bei meiner Freundin. (I am at my girlfriend's.)

"mit" - with

Example: Ich gehe mit meinen Freunden ins Kino. (I am going to the movies with my friends.)

"nach" - to, after

Example: Ich fahre nach Hause. (I am going home.)

"seit" - since

Example: Ich wohne seit zehn Jahren in Berlin. (I have been living in Berlin for ten years.)

"von" - from, of

Example: Das ist ein Geschenk von meiner Mutter. (This is a gift from my mother.)

"zu" - to, at

Example: Ich gehe zu meiner Arbeit. (I am going to my work.)

These are just a few examples of the many dative prepositions in the German language.

