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 How to Tell and Ask About Origins in German - With Examples and English Translations


Knowing and asking about someone's origin can be a great way to get to know them and start a conversation in German. In this article, we'll go over some of the common phrases and expressions used to tell and ask about origins in German, along with examples and English translations.


Telling about your origin in German

When telling someone about your origin, it's common to use the phrase "Ich komme aus..." (I come from...). Here are a few examples:


Ich komme aus Deutschland. (I come from Germany.)

Ich komme aus den USA. (I come from the USA.)

Ich komme aus Frankreich. (I come from France.)


Asking about someone's origin in German

When asking someone about their origin, you can use the formal question "Woher kommen Sie?" or the informal question "Woher kommst du?" (Where do you come from?). Here's an example:


Woher kommst du? (Where do you come from?)


Example conversation in German and English


Here's an example of a conversation in German, along with English translations:


Person A: Hallo, ich bin Maria. Und du? (Hello, I'm Maria. And you?)

Person B: Ich bin Peter. (I'm Peter.)

Person A: Schön dich kennenzulernen, Peter. Woher kommst du? (Nice to meet you, Peter. Where do you come from?)

Person B: Ich komme aus Österreich. (I come from Austria.)

Person A: Oh, das ist interessant. Ich komme aus Deutschland. (Oh, that's interesting. I come from Germany.)

In this conversation, person A introduces themselves and asks person B where they come from, and person B responds by saying they come from Austria. Person A then says they come from Germany.


Knowing and asking about someone's origin is a great way to start a conversation and get to know someone in German. By using the right expressions and phrases, you can show interest in someone and make a positive impression. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced speaker, these examples and English translations will help you master the basics of telling and asking about origins in German.
