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 Informing About Marital Status in German - With Examples and English Translations


Informing others about one's marital status is a common topic of conversation, especially in professional or social settings. In this article, we'll go over some of the common phrases and expressions used to inform about marital status in German, along with examples and English translations.


Informing about marital status in German

When informing about marital status, you can use the phrases "Ich bin verheiratet/ledig/geschieden" (I am married/single/divorced). Here are a few examples:


Ich bin verheiratet. (I am married.)

Ich bin ledig. (I am single.)

Ich bin geschieden. (I am divorced.)


Asking about someone's marital status in German

When asking about someone's marital status, you can use the formal phrase "Sind Sie verheiratet/ledig/geschieden?" or informal "Bist du verheiratet/ledig/geschieden?" (Are you married/single/divorced?). Here's an example:


Sind Sie verheiratet? (Are you married?)

Sind Sie ledig? (Are you single?)

Sind Sie geschieden? (Are you divorced?)


Example conversation in German and English


Here's an example of a conversation in German, along with English translations:


Person A: Hallo, ich bin verheiratet. (Hello, I am married.)

Person B: Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Wie lange sind Sie schon verheiratet? (Congratulations. How long have you been married?)

Person A: Vielen Dank. Wir sind schon 10 Jahre verheiratet. (Thank you. We have been married for 10 years.)

Person B: Das ist toll. (That's great.)


In this conversation, person A informs person B about their marital status and person B congratulates them and asks about the length of their marriage.


Informing about marital status is a common topic of conversation in German. By using the right expressions and phrases, you can easily communicate your marital status and respond to inquiries from others. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced speaker, these examples and English translations will help you master the basics of informing about marital status in German.
