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Alter, Adresse und Telefonnummer nennen und verstehen

How to Give and Understand Age, Address, and Phone Number in German - Examples and English Translations


When you're introducing yourself or getting to know someone, it's common to exchange personal information such as age, address, and phone number. In this article, we'll go over some of the common phrases and expressions used to share and understand this information in German, along with examples and English translations.

Have a look at numbers in German here


Giving your age in German

When giving your age in German, you can use the phrase "Ich bin [age] Jahre alt." (I am [age] years old.) For example:


Ich bin 25 Jahre alt. (I am 25 years old.)

Ich bin 30 Jahre alt. (I am 30 years old.)


Understanding someone's age in German

When asking someone's age in German, you can use the formal phrase "Wie alt sind Sie?" or informal "Wie alt bist du?" (How old are you?) For example:


Wie alt sind Sie? (How old are you?)

Giving your address in German

When giving your address in German, you can use the phrase "Ich wohne in [address]." (I live in [address].) For example:


Ich wohne in Berlin. (I live in Berlin.)

Ich wohne in Hamburg. (I live in Hamburg.)

Understanding someone's address in German

When asking someone's address in German, you can use the formal phrase "Wo wohnen Sie?" or informal "Wo wohnst du?" (Where do you live?) For example:


Wo wohnen Sie? (Where do you live?)


Giving your phone number in German

When giving your phone number in German, you can use the phrase "Meine Telefonnummer ist [phone number]." (My phone number is [phone number].) For example:


Meine Telefonnummer ist 0123456789. (My phone number is 0123456789.)

Meine Telefonnummer ist 0987654321. (My phone number is 0987654321.)


Understanding someone's phone number in German

When asking someone's phone number in German, you can use the formal phrase "Kann ich Ihre Telefonnummer haben?" or informal "Kann ich deine Telefonnummer haben?" (Can I have your phone number?) For example:


Kann ich Ihre Telefonnummer haben? (Can I have your phone number?)

Example conversation in German and English


Here's an example of a conversation in German, along with English translations:


Person A: Hallo, mein Name ist Sarah. (Hello, my name is Sarah.)

Person B: Hallo Sarah. Wie alt sind Sie? (Hello Sarah. How old are you?)

Person A: Ich bin 25 Jahre alt. (I am 25 years old.)

Person B: Wo wohnen Sie? (Where do you live?)

Person A: Ich wohne in Berlin. (I live in Berlin.)

Person B: Kann ich Ihre Telefonnummer haben? (Can I have your phone number?)

Person A: Ja, sicher. Meine Telefonnummer ist 0123456789. (Yes, sure. My phone number is 0123456789.)


In this conversation, person B asks person A for their age, address, and phone number, and person A provides the information.


Understanding and using phrases to ask for and give personal information like age, address, and telephone number in German is important for building relationships and communicating effectively with others. By using the phrases discussed in this article, you will be able to exchange personal information with confidence and accuracy. Remember to be polite and respectful when asking for and giving personal information.

