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Hello! Hallo!
a girl ein Mädchen
a boy ein Junge
a woman eine Frau
a man ein Mann
girls Mädchen
boys Jungen
men Männer
women Frauen
he er
she sie
they sie
to eat essen
to drink trinken
to run laufen
to read lesen
to cook kochen
to swim schwimmen
to write schreiben
the girl is eating. das Mädchen isst .
the boy is drinking. der Junge trinkt .
the woman is drinking. die Frau trinkt .
the man is eating. der Mann isst .
the man and the woman are running. der Mann und die Frau laufen.
the girl and boy are reading. die Mädchen und Jungen lesen .
he is swimming. er schwimmt.
she is cooking. sie kocht.
they are writing. sie schreiben .



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  1. Gostei muito da lição. Sou louco por alemão e esta página está me incentivando muito.Parabéns! Continuem assim.


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